Customer Testimonials
"Accurate and up to date job cost information is essential for me as a home builder and ABACUS II does an excellent job in this regard. I am pleased to recommend ABACUS II to all home builders as well as other businesses."

A. Poulsen, President
Gannet Holdings Ltd.

"I have been using ABACUS II Accounting Software for about one year. Before I bought ABACUS II, I had done quite a bit of research into other accounting packages, but I have to say that ABACUS II was far ahead of the competition."

A. Wilson,
Phoenix Grounds Maintenance Ltd.

"I also compliment the Abacus designers to have created an accounting package that could be mastered quickly."

A. Payne, B. Comm., C.A.,
Owner Kwik Kopy Printing #1074

"I was wary of training so many non-computer people how to use ABACUS II. The system is very user friendly and all our sales people were comfortable with it in a very short time. We now have 15 terminals and generate over 100 invoices a day with our P.O.S. ABACUS II has greatly reduced the work load for our office staff. What a change!"

A. Endersby, Office Manager,
Midway Tire

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